
FindText·ClickFindontheHometab.·ClickintheSearchdocumentboxintheNavigationpaneandtypethetextyouwanttofind.FindText·Clickasearch ...,GotoHome>Replace.EnterthewordorphraseyouwanttoreplaceinFindwhat.EnteryournewtextinReplacewith.ChooseReplaceAlltochangeall ...,2018年8月29日—ThisopensWord'sFindandReplacewindow.IntheFindWhatbox,typethewordorphraseyouwanttolocate.Ifyouonlywanttofindtextin ...,Ste...

Find and Replace in Word

Find Text · Click Find on the Home tab. · Click in the Search document box in the Navigation pane and type the text you want to find. Find Text · Click a search ...

Find and replace text

Go to Home > Replace. Enter the word or phrase you want to replace in Find what. Enter your new text in Replace with. Choose Replace All to change all ...

How to Find and Replace Text in Microsoft Word

2018年8月29日 — This opens Word's Find and Replace window. In the Find What box, type the word or phrase you want to locate. If you only want to find text in ...

How to Find and Replace Text in Word

Step #5 Click on the Replace tab on the top menu bar. Type in the word you want to update in the Replace with field.

How to Use Find and Replace in Microsoft Word

2021年4月13日 — Click Home, on the top-left side then Replace on the top-right side. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H.

How To Use Find and Replace in Word: A Step-by

2024年1月16日 — 1. Click “Replace” from the Home tab. This opens a separate dialog box with two text bars. One says “Find what” and the other says “Replace with ...


To replace text: · From the Home tab, click the Replace command. · The Find and Replace dialog box will appear. · Type the text you want to find in the Find ...